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Certain principles are fundamental to our success. 他们关注的是我们如何随着时间的推移加强、保护和发展我们的公司.
A Commitment to Integrity,
Fairness and Responsibility
我们将以坚定的决心使这家公司成为我们的客户, 员工, 股东 and 社区 can be proud. We cannot promise specific outcomes or risk-free results. 不时地, we may fall short in our efforts and if that happens, 我们将重申对这些原则的承诺,并加倍努力. What we can and will promise is to be truthful and give honest assessments of our businesses and prospects; act with integrity and honor; and do the right thing—not necessarily the easy or expedient thing.
杰米•戴蒙, Chairman and CEO, 澳博官方网站app & Co.
特殊的客户 服务
For more than two centuries, 澳博官方网站app一直为我们在世界各地的选民提供帮助. 在最艰难的时期,最需要强大的银行, we never waver in our support, 我们从未忘记我们的主要使命:为客户服务. 我们的工作是永远为他们做正确的事,不断努力,不仅要满足他们的需求,还要超越他们的期望,不断让客户更容易与我们做生意.
As much as any company on the planet, we are helping individuals, businesses of all sizes, 政府, 非营利组织和社区抓住了我们这个时代的机遇. 我们之所以能做到这一点,是因为我们已经建立了一个强大的公司——在全球范围内的影响力, 本地执行, 凭借一系列令人印象深刻的产品和能力,以及提供卓越客户服务的坚定承诺.
We Focus on the Customer
- 你希望别人怎样对待你,你就怎样对待你的客户,确保你从客户的角度看问题
- 阅读客户的投诉——做客户的拥护者
- 通过倾听客户并预测他们的需求来超越他们的期望, making it easy for them to do business with us
- Earn trust by always focusing on customers’ best interests; high-quality customers will grow along with the company
- 给客户一个好的,公平的交易-提供高品质,价格有竞争力的产品和服务
- 考虑满足客户需求的全方位产品和服务, cross selling when appropriate
- 永远不要让短期利益的考虑妨碍了为客户做正确的事情
- 使用我们自己的产品——当涉及到了解客户时,没有什么比成为客户更好的了
We Are Field and Client Driven; We Operate at the Local Level
- 利用我们的规模作为在地方层面执行良好的优势
- 花时间在当地市场了解客户的一切(以及竞争对手可能为他或她做什么)
- 为该领域的决策提供所需的资源和权力
- 创新、测试和学习——我们知道有些想法会失败,这没关系
- 做出正确的, 长期的决定能让我们在好的时候做得很好,在艰难的时候也能经受住考验
- Be proud of what we are doing
- Do right by the customer in all our interactions
- Ensure our company will stand the test of time
操作 卓越
As important as strategy is, we have to execute to win. 执行涉及到每一位员工以及我们与客户的每一次接触. The devil is in the details. We must act quickly on problems; drive results, not just activities; and ensure detailed follow-up so that we meet our commitments.
We Set the Highest Standards of Performance
- Measure performance with a detailed, balanced scorecard
- Strive for excellence, don't settle for mediocrity
- 认识到团队合作也需要最大限度的个人努力
- Compare yourself with the best
- Stay hungry; competition is everywhere, 因此,你不能被哄骗而产生一种虚假的安全感——自满是致命的
We Demand Financial Rigor and Risk Discipline. We Will Always Maintain a Fortress Balance Sheet
- 以正确的方式监控、跟踪和报告正确的事情——修正无效的报告
- Ensure that accounting is fair, accurate and transparent
- Create capital flexibility and manage risk dynamically
- 还记得, we do not worry about the stock price or quarterly earnings in the short run; if you continue to build a great company, the stock price will take care of itself
- 与股东及彼此分享一致、全面的信息
- 使分析有纪律,真实,以事实为基础,专注于需要改进的地方
- Anticipate problems, be prepared with solutions
- Be a risk manager; raising red flags is every employee's responsibility
We Strive for the Best Internal 治理 and Controls
- 致力于企业范围的世界级治理、控制和遵从性
- 与我们的监管机构建立牢固的关系——保持透明、直接和尊重
- Build a safety-first culture
- 确保我们的控制基础设施与我们的业务一样健壮
- 还记得 that good compliance is good business
We Act and Think Like Owners and Partners
- Work for profitable, sustainable, long-term growth
- 精简管理,鼓励适当地无视等级制度
- Guard the firm’s resources; spend the firm’s money as if it were your own
- 明智地为未来投资——包括基础设施和人力
- 认识到竞争情报就是竞争优势
- Foster a spirit of partnership
- Ensure compensation is fair and fully transparent to senior management based on a balanced scorecard; any special deals should be minimized and for good reason
- Respect and learn from your people / team
- Promote efficiencies and remember that leaner is better
- Leverage technology to make operations fast and simple
- 坚持不懈地减少浪费,消除不必要的官僚主义
- Be an expert and ensure we know our business best
We Are Disciplined in Everything We Do
- Be rigorous and detailed, with continuous follow-up
- Maintain an intense work ethic to get the job done right
- 总是努力改进,并有能力推动改变——列一个清单并完成它
- 以深思熟虑、协调一致的方式行动——不要匆忙或孤立
- Always fight complacency by analyzing our own actions and our own weaknesses; management should celebrate our successes, but also emphasize the negatives
- Enforce a good decision-making process and eliminate “waste of time” meetings; stand up war rooms to get the right people in the room and kill bureaucracy
- 是否要坚持下去——就像锻炼身体或给花园除草一样
- 对职能和控制进行定期的、组织良好的、彻底的业务审查
We Execute with Both Skill and Urgency
- Work with energy and focus; take responsibility and deliver on commitments
- 确保每个角色、每个人、每个细节都有价值
- 每天进步一点——不断提高标准
- Deliver results; investigate, analyze and improve when problems arise
- 了解细节,承诺跟进,并在最后期限前满足客户和同事的要求
- Manage change with deliberate speed
A Commitment to Integrity, Fairness and Responsibility
在商业领域,就像在其他领域一样,道德行为不是自然而然就会发生的. 它必须在整个组织中得到培养和反复肯定. 在澳博官方网站app,诚信是最重要的——它适用于我们公司的各个方面. 保持最高标准的诚信包括忠实地履行我们对所有客户的承诺, 社区, 员工, 董事会, 股东, regulators – and to ourselves.
We Will Not Compromise Our Integrity
- Do the right thing even when it’s not the easy thing
- Have zero tolerance for unethical behavior
- 在你所有的交易中都要负责、坦率和诚实
- 遵守法律法规的精神和文字
- Look at the facts in a cold-blooded way; admit and learn from mistakes
- Acknowledge the negatives
- Have only one truth for all audiences
- Keep one set of books
- 找到合适的人(这样就会找到最好的答案)
- Have a fierce resolve in everything you do
- Demonstrate determination, resiliency and tenacity
- Do not let temporary setbacks become permanent excuses
- 把错误和问题当作变得更好的机会,而不是放弃的理由
- 恰当地、尊重地对待所有人——从职员到首席执行官
- 在包容的工作环境和多元化的团队中脱颖而出
- Be open to different management and individual styles; there are many ways to be successful
- 尊重他人的个人生活,在员工遇到困难时表现出同情
- 鼓励所有员工照顾好自己——他们的思想, body, spirit and soul – and their friends and family
- 互相帮助——无论是在服务客户还是在公司的职业生涯中
- 谦卑地承认自己并非无所不知——并营造一个开放的环境, 信任与分享
- 雇佣和提拔那些值得尊重的人(你会让你的孩子向他们汇报吗??)
- 深深感谢那些在你之前的人——他们帮助铺平了道路,塑造了今天的我们
- 利用我们的成功回馈我们做生意的社区
- Be good, engaged citizens
- 把我们自己看作当地的小企业:了解我们的客户, create summer jobs and support local organizations
一个伟大的团队 赢得文化
Eventually, it all comes down to people. 创建一个成功的团队和自我维持的文化需要努力工作, and there is no substitute for it. 球队赢球并不是因为他们有新球场或最吸引人的队服. 一些最好的球队甚至没有最有天赋的个人运动员. Teams succeed because they are disciplined, 合作愉快, execute consistently and have a passion to win.
We Hire, Train and Retain Great, Diverse Employees
- Hire great people and train them well
- 鼓励每个人尽其所能
- Treat everyone with respect – everyone counts
- Encourage life-long learning and a deep curiosity
- Acknowledge and reward high performers; that helps identify and develop leaders
- 认识到我们从多元化的员工队伍中获得力量——拥抱我们的差异
We Build Teamwork, Loyalty and Morale
- Provide our 员工 with the truth, 机会, 培训, meaningful work and a commitment to build a healthy, 充满活力的公司
- 要认识到团队合作既意味着和睦相处,也意味着有勇气独自做正确的事情
- Consistently provide honest and direct feedback; encourage people to say what is on their minds
- 消除障碍,促进团队的成功
- Put loyalty to the institution ahead of your or anyone else’s personal agenda; collaborate and act as if the company’s priorities are your own
- Serve and support each other
We Maintain an Open, Entrepreneurial Meritocracy for All
- Know your people well; put them in the right jobs and assess them honestly
- Make people decisions based on merit
- Deal with people issues; take action with non-performers
We Communicate Honestly, Clearly and Consistently
- Recognize that information is power; share it as quickly as possible
- 设定明确的目标和优先级,加强它们,确保跟进并经常沟通进展
- 鼓励建设性的、公开的辩论,并考虑不同的方法
- Drive to reach decisions and go forward with one agenda
- Share your passion for learning and knowledge
- Reinforce important messages clearly
- 提供持续的反馈——告诉人们他们什么时候做得很好, 更重要的是, 当他们没有的时候
We Strive to Be Good Leaders
- 记住,领导是一种荣誉,也是一种责任
- Understand that leadership is personal
- 在棘手的问题上迅速采取行动,并有勇气为自己的信念而战
- Share your passion to win
- 支持那些愿意畅所欲言的人——鼓励建设性的挑战
- 公平,公正,愿意做正确的事,而不是容易的事
- 挑战现状:反对社会、种族和经济不平等
- Get the incentives right (but that is not enough; people must feel they are valued and their contributions are important)
- Be a leader in your community
- 力求持续改进——推动变革和创新,永不停止学习
- 帮助我们的人民照顾好自己——他们的健康和精神